Contact Centre

Customers now demand more than ever before. With today’s omnichannel expectations, to seamlessly move between phone, email, SMS, web chat, social media and in-person communications, it’s critical to have the right contact centre solution in place. Giving customers the flexibility to engage with you on their preferred media is critical to help retain existing customers and attract new ones. Blackstar Solutions work closely with you to deliver the appropriate contact centre solution, while ensuring high levels of customer service, whether on premise, cloud or hybrid.

Customers are becoming increasingly mobile, social and convergent in their use of technology and the contact centre must adapt to meet their multi-channel demands.

Blackstar Solutions provide contact centre solutions that support all channels of customer interaction which includes telephony, web, email and social media. Partnering with leading provider Mitel, our solutions are designed as a single platform to support both agent and customer self-service interactions, regardless of location. Some of the many features include Interactive Voice Response (IVR), intelligent routing, outbound and media handling.

Constant changes in technology provide both benefits and challenges. Advances can be made in customer management, but customer expectations - in terms of functionality and channels - become hard to predict.

Contact Centre-as-a-Service (CCaaS) overcomes that unpredictability by giving you access to functionality that will allow you to deliver a superior customer experience via any channel, improving the overall customer experience. At Blackstar, our cloud-based contact centre solutions from Mitel have everything you’re looking for. Whether you want to establish a new operation from scratch, upgrade existing capabilities, implement a fully cloud-hosted service, or introduce the latest applications to your existing technology infrastructure, we can help you achieve your objectives.

Customers are increasingly looking to communicate via their chosen interaction, be that voice, email, web chat, or social media, at a time that suits them. Mitel’s contact centre solutions allow you to efficiently integrate and maintain service levels across all media.

Contact centre solutions provide the interaction framework to give customers flexibility and choice. Social media is becoming an increasingly popular form of customer interactions, providing an environment for customers to make their experience public and far-reaching. At Blackstar, we work with technology provider Mitel, allowing the implementation of a social media strategy within a structured framework. Detailed analytics and metrics can be obtained to ensure that a successful social media strategy is achieved.

Good customer service has always been an essential part of a successful business. With the progression of technology and the advent of social media, keeping the customer happy is more important than ever before. Improving quality of service while reducing operational costs is a key aim for contact centres. By capturing and analysing customer and workforce conversations, your business can achieve both goals.

Effective reporting and actionable management information is fundamental to enable your contact centre to make informed decisions that will help drive your business forward. At Blackstar, we provide essential operational contact centre metrics that can be viewed both historically and in real time. Reporting suite flexibility means that you can create and schedule reports quickly and easily for automatic distribution.

The objective of the PCI Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a set of requirements for securing payment transactions and protecting cardholders against misuse of their personal information.

Unfortunately, many methods of PCI compliance detract from the focus on customer service because they interrupt workflows or leave a caller to navigate payment unassisted. Our solution is based on the award-winning Semafone solution. Semafone’s software application allows contact centre agents to remain in voice communication throughout the payment process, even while the customer enters card details into their telephone keypad. Semafone masks the DTMF digits entered by the caller so they can’t be heard by the call centre agent or captured on the call recording system, thus reducing PCI DSS compliance costs and allowing you to focus on business as usual.

Business continuity and disaster recovery planning are key for any contact centre environment. In a competitive and fast-changing market, no organisation can afford downtime. A major disruption to service, from any number of causes, can not only damage customer service standards and your reputation, it can also have a severe financial impact.

Nobody wants to ever use a disaster recovery solution, but most businesses will suffer a form of data loss at some point. It's imperative that you implement a cost-effective and reliable disaster recovery (DR) strategy. At Blackstar Solutions, we collaborate with our customers to identify the most resilient DR solution for their needs. Whether it’s using our inbound platform to deliver diversity of calls or utilising a hybrid deployment for their key services, we have a range of DR solutions to fit your business requirements.

With our reporting and analytics solutions, you’ll be able to view the common behaviours amongst your highest-performing employees, analyse the experience of your customers, as well as gaining insight into how to improve customer service.

At Blackstar, our call reporting application software is a simple to use, yet highly sophisticated tool that gives you full visibility into your telephony and data usage. Our reporting tools offer the analytics your team needs to impact the customer experience and shape business outcomes as they occur. You can monitor call centre metrics in real time, adjust resources as call volume fluctuates and resolve potential customer issues quickly and efficiently.

Solutions from Blackstar