The 5 Benefits of Affordable, Ultra-fast Internet

29th September 2016 | Reading Time: 2 minute read

Head of Marketing

Crayons. BBQ. Dachshunds.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Bristol businesses realise the benefits of ultra-fast affordable internet.

The internet plays a significant part in the productivity and underpins the operational capability of a business.  With services such as VoIP, remote storage and cloud services, which are changing the way businesses operate, a reliable and fast internet speed is essential. Unfortunately, slow internet speeds are holding organisations back from either utilising these services or realising their full potential.

The introduction of Gigabit internet in Bristol is helping it become a city with the ability to compete on a global scale. Ultra-fast internet gives businesses the opportunity to get ahead of their competition and reduce their operational spend.

The first companies in Bristol have already begun to see the benefits of internet speeds 100 times faster than the national average, at up to 1,000 megabits per second (Mbps). This world class infrastructure will continue to cement Bristol’s status as one of the mist digitally advance cities in the UK. Can you afford to miss out?

5 Benefits of Ultra-Fast Internet

  1. Seamless Communication – your orginisation can open up opportunities to communicate and collaborate, using video conferencing or VoIP whilst instantly sharing large files, browsing the internet and backing up your data. All done at high speed with no lag
  2. Head start on your competitors – by installing ultra fast internet your business can take advantage of cloud services, SIP Trunking or VoIP, video conferencing, while simultaneously serving a large number of users. Considering moving to a VoIP system? Read our 5 Steps to a Successful Switch to VoIP
  3. Productivity – the ability to curb buffering and the frustration that comes with waiting for files to download or timing out means your employees can be more productive. Can your company afford to waste valuable time whilst the competition is move swiftly ahead?
  4. Cost reduction – with affordable reliable ultra fast internet your business can benefit from hosting their core services in the cloud and the cost reduction benefits that come with this solution.
  5. The Cloud – many businesses are reducing costs and capital outlay by moving telephony and IT services to the cloud however, without sufficient internet speeds the advantage quickly disappear. With affordable gigabit internet this isn’t an issue


Can your organisation afford to have slow internet speeds, crackling calls, buffering and long download times? No, then it is time to install affordable ultra-fast internet.

Based in Bristol? Want to benefit from Gigabit internet? Call us on 0333 123 2123 or contact us.